Saturday, November 19, 2016


The psychology is that science which has no end, it is possible to study it for years. The knowledge of itself and others is the world full of unexpectedness, pleasures and disappointment, fears and riddles. In order that though to comprehend a little secret of a human reasoning and emotions, people, to be exact psychologists, create various tests. Partly they can make our life better. But they can sometimes nonplus and not give to develop our internal essence. But what their true purpose? For what psychologists are ready to work in the days and at the nights on their drawing up and removal of formulas of behavior of the person? Only for our entertainment? Let's try to slightly open a veil of this secret!


The most real psychological tests are developed by exclusively skilled psychologists having long-term experience in this direction. Tests which contain in brochures books, newspapers and magazines are no more than entertainment which besides takes away precious time. Unfortunately, such harmless entertainment can not the best in the way affect human life. Having learned from such "test" about itself what actually is not present, the person can just become reserved, and then, it really will need the help of the real psychotherapist.

psychological tests

Remember that officially developed psychological tests are not public property. They pursue a definite purpose and most often reach it. Such tests are often developed under a certain person or a small group of persons and yield plausible result. But what for? Why these tests are necessary? Really it is impossible just to live and enjoy life?


Undoubtedly, it is worth living and enjoying life very much even. However sometimes there is a need to carry out introspection and to reveal features of a certain person, for example, his temperament, character, an emotional color. Most often in such research the people having emotional depression — a depression or the experiencing difficulties need certain spheres of the life.

Definitely, has to carry out such analysis the skilled psychologist, but not the best friend or the girlfriend who are knowing you since the childhood and perfectly able to give advice. But, if the skilled psychologist so can carry out intelligent dialogue and understand the reason of a psychological trauma why to it tests? To understand their sense, it is possible to give the following example. The beginning carpenter learns to work with the hammer, and skilled involves a set of tools, such as a chisel, the axe, chisels, a plane and so on. The same and in a case with the psychologist, tests are only one of a set of the tools helping to understand an interior.


So, it is possible to conclude that the real psychological test both is developed, and it is interpreted by exclusively professional psychologist. Even if you will see it and will pass completely, do not expect to recognize yourself from other party. And all other tests, it is only game which by accident can coincide with reality.

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